Mahesweta Devi| Draupadi| Translation pf Gayantri Chakravarty Spivak| Contrast and Comparison between Mythic Draupadi and Dopdi
In "Draupadi" by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, "Droupadi" is a mythological character whom we find in "Mahabharata". She sometimes is being worshipped by the people.
She has become the symbol of purity because Lord Krishna saved her from shame. Draupadi is the daughter of King Drupad who was born from 'Agni'(in Bengali) or fire.
That is why people use to call 'Yagnaseni'. She was rescued from the humiliation but in this 'Kali Yuga', Another Dhoupadi is also becoming naked but Lord Krishna is not saving her.
"Draupadi" is written by Mahesweta Devi in Bengali and later Gayatri Chakraborty Spivak translated this into English. Here, Dopdi Mejhen is the female protagonist and the wife of Dulna Majhi.
At the beginning of the play, we will see her as a strong woman who was fighting against colonizers. She worked at harvests along with her husband but police encountered Dulna and make Dopdi free on the battlefield.
Dopdi is not the real name, her mother gave her name 'Draupadi' but for a tribal woman Droupadi will never thus the pronunciation becomes Dopdi.
In "Mahabharata" the mythic Draupadi had Lord Krishna at her back probably that is why she is known but in reality, when Dopdi's sari is being taken by the ghouls Krishna never comes and never he save her from the pain.
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A Tribal Woman| Muhammadtaha Ibrahim Ma'aji |
This is because she knows that senanayak is finding her and probably this name at the last time will be a curse. But at the last, she fails to hide and they caught her at 6:35 p.m.
Till now everything is okay because she was prepared to face the death and as her husband died she also does not have a wish of living.
In "Draupadi" by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Draupadi was prepared for the torture as she had heard from her husband. Even in the answer once she said,
"Dopdi knows, has learned by hearing so often and so long, how one
can come to terms with torture. If mind and body give way under torture,
Dopdi will bite off her tongue. That boy did it. They countered"
So, she will cut her tough for herself, and later Senanayak will counter her. But this never happened. Draupadi looked at the sky beneath the trees.
Timorous rays of the moon were coming and she was looking at them with her staring eyes probably she knows that she will have to die for sure.
When they took Draupadi to the camp Senanayak's dinner time appears and then a vice raise says,
"Make her. Do the
needful," he disappeared."
They tell dedicated to Dopdi Mejhen to make her so that she will look good and also good to have sex. It was Mahesweta Devi's perfection who had written in words,
sticky under her ass and waist. Her own blood. Only the gag has been
removed. Incredible thirst."
So, here the sticky liquid is her blood because she becomes the food among all men. The wild thirst rises and she lies naked in the ground.
"She turns her eyes and sees something white. Her own cloth. Nothing
else. Suddenly she hopes against hope. Perhaps they have abandoned
Now here the main part of the short story comes. Although she was a tribal but Draupadi knew the story of Mythic Draupadi she has been dressed by Lord Krishna.
Perhaps she is feeling that a miracle will happen to her and like the Mythic Draupadi, she will also be dressed by Lord Krishna. But this never happened to her no Lord arrived to dress her up in a white sari.
Probably the tribal woman does not deserve any divine activity because they are cursed and poor and dominated by society. Gayatri Chakraborty Spivak is of the opinion,
"Arjan Singh's power also explodes out of the male organ of a gun. Without
a gun, even the "five Ks" come to nothing in this day and age."
According to her, the male sexual organ here plays as a gun. Draupadi expected this gun will let her bleed but she never thought that this gun will make her vagina bleed more than herself.
In Mythology, Krishna made war for this crudidity where Dursashan pulls the sari from her body. In this epic from aside, a man is pulling the sari to undress Draupadi and from another side, Krishna is giving her cloth to prevent her shame.
So, there was a mutuality among men. Even in the Twenty-First century, the same thing is to keep on happening. One is making a woman naked and another is dressing her up.
But in the case of Mahesweta Devi's Draupadi, the same thing never happened. She was only made up well nothing else.
So, this scenario and way of making up only states about the nakedness of society. Draupadi never comes to the readers with her naked body. Gayatri Chakraborty Spivak comments,
"Dopdi is…what Draupadi…
written into the patriarchal and authoritative sacred text as a proof of male power"
Thus In "Draupadi" by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Draupadi and Dopdi both are women who are producing the position of women in ages. So, it the best composition of Mahesweta Devi and also the best translation of Gayatri Chakraborty Spivak.

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